Стразы Mix Size SS3, SS4, SS5, SS6, SS8 стекло Сaramel, 1440шт
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Lorem Ipsum is text-a "fish", often used in print and web design. Lorem Ipsum is the standard "fish" for Latin texts from the beginning of the 16th century. At that time, some nameless printer created a large collection of font sizes and shapes using Lorem Ipsum to print samples. Lorem Ipsum not only successfully survived without noticeable changes five centuries, but also stepped into the electronic design.
His popularization in modern times was the publication of Letraset sheets with samples of Lorem Ipsum in the 60s and, more recently, e-layout programs like Aldus PageMaker, in the templates of which Lorem Ipsum is used.
Lorem Ipsum is text-a "fish", often used in print and web design. Lorem Ipsum is the standard "fish" for Latin texts from the beginning of the 16th century. At that time, some nameless printer created a large collection of font sizes and shapes using Lorem Ipsum to print samples.
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